Mocking Mind: August 2006

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Malaysia Budget Wishlist

Tomorrow is the Budget Day for Malaysia where the PM will present next year's budget. I would like to take this opportunity to present my wishlist.

1. Income tax relief of RM12000 for self
2. Income tax relief of RM8000 for spouse
3. Income tax relief of RM2000 for child
a. All fuel subsidy revoked
b. Income tax relief for petrol vehicles 2litres and below to offset fuel costs
c. Income tax relief for installation of NGV
d. Income tax relief for hybrid cars
e. Income tax relief for public transport company
f. Increase tax on petrol cars of 2.4liters and above
5. Tax free for all electronics and computers
6. Allocate humungous sum of money for advancement of agriculture.
7. Subsidise community solar generation projects
8. Better distribute projects to 3 lowest income state (Perlis, Kelantan, Pahang)
9. Allocate some fund to Cyberjaya.
10.2 months bonus for government servants paid out in 12 months installments starting Jan 2007.

There you have it.

Merdeka, Merdeka, Merdeka

Selamat Hari Kebangsaan ke 49 Malaysia

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Too Much Siti, Mawi......Ina

Don't I have anything else to write apart from the popular culture? Siti, Mawi (and to some extend ...Ina) again? Aren't these bloggers get bored already writing about her, him (and ...her?)

What can I do? I would want to write about something heavy but has been warned by my Prime Minister himself to not write heavy things online. At least thats how I interpret his words.

So, I'll just go back to Siti, Mawi and ...Ina. How could they deliberately have their show and wedding shown live at the same time? Perhaps it would have been better if Siti could shift her wedding to a later hour. Let Mawi have all his and ...Ina has all her say. After all, Malaysians are a kay-poh lot especially when it's about the negative things. Even when it's positive they will see the negative side of it. Just look at an accident on Federal Highway. Cars on opposite side will also slow down. Kay-poh lot trying to get 4D. When they know no one was dead, they complained because the number they have copied will not be as 'ong' as if there are people dead.

I better get back to Siti, Mawi... and ..Ina before I got carried away into the heavy stuffs such as KJ kena tampar sebab nak kawin dengan MK thingie.....opsss.

Okay, on Siti's wedding, I think it was a bit overdone. Even Tun M (who is sitting next to DS Najib!!) looked bored. BTW, I wonder what Tun M would have 'gossiped' with DS Najib. I hope they are not exchanging notes like school children in class. It would be a disaster if somebody like KJ found those notes. Opssss.

I think I better stop before I get heavy again. Congratulation to Siti and Datuk K on their wedding.

Be patient be true to yourself dear Mawi dot dot dot and dot dot dot Ina.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Of strawberry and coklet & 'I look like stupid'

The month of august this year is the month of 'strawberry dengan coklet'. I bet this school holiday will see a rise in sale of strawberries. Why? Didn't you hear that its' the favourite romantic food of Siti? I bet all Datuk Ks are trying to emulate that, presenting their Sitis with Strawberry & Chocolate.

During the interview, Siti has shamelessly speak a little bit of english. We all know how 'I look like stupid' she look when she first try to speak in English. How people make jokes about her English during that time. Does that affect her popularity? You judge for yourself.

As for the actress who uttered that stupid phrase, how stupid does she look now? More stupid than if she just say it all in Malay or English or any other local languages without uttering the word stupid.

I'd say, 'If stupid statements shows who is the real stupid person, let's do it more often'


Monday, August 07, 2006

Good Feeling

Have you had that good feeling at the beginning of your day? I had one this morning. I was sending my daughter to kindergarten. As I came back to my car, there's a makcik strugling to open the engine bay cover of her Waja. I just came and help her to open it. It felt good that I help someone who is a stranger.

Have you felt that feling before? Maybe you can too. Just do some good and help a stranger. Just something small will do.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

MacZOT MemoryMiner Winner

I'm a winner! A MacZot MemoryMiner winner. One of the 25. This the first time that I win in an online ruffle or contest or competition. Hopefully I can also win the TMonline RM1 Million Reward (Yeah right!)

I found MacZOT through MyMacBuzz, a Malaysian Mac blog which I found out from MyMug forum.

On MemoryMiner, its a digital story telling software. I'm most interested in it's ability to link names to faces to times to places. I intend to use it to tag my numerous iPhoto albums and hopefully find some rare photos of people.

More soon....