Mocking Mind: October 2005

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Can You Sign?

Yesterday I was called in to rescue my Project Manager and his PR team. A site visit with a certain State Director of a certain government agency went awry. My PM called me to bring in a document to clarify some misunderstanding they had.

Dutifully, I proceed to the site with the required document at hand. On arrival, I was introduced to that Director as a surveyor. "Are you a licenced surveyor?" was the question from his mouth. I'm not. "Can you sign?". Of course I can but not as a licensed surveyor.

In my mind, I can already see how I can run circle around most of those people who can sign in term of experience and knowledge. However, nobody care about experience and knowledge in Malaysia. They just care about whether "Can You Sign?".

And with that I swear not to get my "licence to sign" as a licenced surveyor ever in my life. If they need my experience and knowledge, they will still come to me. My Project Manager does, my project director does, my company director does, a port authority did call me. Hydrographic division of a state Marine department did call me. I think that is enough to show my ability and value. So Can You Sign?

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Wooden Sampan Accident in Kuala Terengganu near Pulau Sekati

I just got to know about this at 11am today. A wooden sampan carrying 5 people sank into Terengganu River at about 3.30 PM yesterday. 2 of them are still missing while the rest are safe.

I am at the rivermouth and I know for certain that during ebb tide, the current is very strong. I believe the current could be about 5-7 knots. However, it may be slower upstream where the accident happened.

Search and rescue efforts are still on going and I hope they will succeed.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Something For Harry Potter's Fan


A nice short movie clip to lighten up your day after reading The Half Blood Prince.

Monday, October 10, 2005


There was an earthquake in India/Pakistan. In the beginning the papers said 2000 people were dead. Today, 1 newspaper said 20,000 dead while another point that 30,000 dead. Towns were in ruins. Schools trapping childrens within their fallen walls. Roads unpassable. Death is everywhere.

I'm not sure how many people was dead in the India-Pakistan Conflict but I am sure the earhquake had cause far more death in 1 day than any 1 day the conflict did. It just show how powerful is mother nature.

To those affected people, stay strong. We all pray for your safety and recovery.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

The First Post Syndrome

I have a lot of things to write about just a while ago. Suddenly I have none. Either that or I still have a lot on my mind, I can't keep up. My mind is working too fast. It's mocking me now.

I guess this is part of the first post syndrome. This is my first try at writing online. Of course I have my other blog but that is more a picture/photo blog. Let's just see how far I'll go with this one.